
Gastroparesis, also known as delayed gastric emptying, is a condition where the stomach takes too long to empty its contents. This occurs because the stomach muscles or the nerves controlling them do not work properly, leading to various digestive issues. Read More…

RCPD - retrograde cricopharyngeal dysfunction

Swallowing is a complex process involving numerous muscles and nerves working in harmony. When something goes awry in this system, it can lead to swallowing disorders that significantly impact one's quality of life. One such condition is Retrograde Cricopharyngeal Dysfunction (RCPD). Read More…

Swallowing disorders

Swallowing is something most of us take for granted. It's a seamless part of eating and drinking, a process our bodies handle without much conscious thought. However, for individuals with swallowing disorders, this everyday activity can be challenging and even distressing. Read More…